Function sendChargeMessage

  • Send a order message To send (prices, tax, shipping or discount), for example: USD 12.90, send them without dots or commas, like: 12900


    Returns Promise<SendMessageReturn>

    // Send charge with a product'[number]', [
    { type: 'product', id: '67689897878', qnt: 2 },
    { type: 'product', id: '37878774457', qnt: 1 },

    // Send charge with a custom item'[number]', [
    { type: 'custom', name: 'Item de cost test', price: 120000, qnt: 2 },

    // Send charge with custom options'[number]', [
    { type: 'product', id: '37878774457', qnt: 1 },
    { type: 'custom', name: 'Item de cost test', price: 120000, qnt: 2 },
    { tax: 10000, shipping: 4000, discount: 10000 }

    // Send charge with Pix data (auto generate copy-paste pix code)'[number]', [
    { type: 'custom', name: 'Item de cost test', price: 120000, qnt: 2 },
    tax: 10000,
    shipping: 4000,
    discount: 10000,
    pix: {
    keyType: 'CPF',
    key: '00555095999',
    name: 'Name of seller',