Send a invoice message To send (prices, tax, shipping or discount), for example: USD 12.90, send them without dots or commas, like: 12900
// Send PIX Key Message (Brazil Pix Key)'[number]', { keyType: 'CNPJ', name: 'WPPCONNECT-TEAM', key: '33460516000178', instructions: 'Pay text for instructions here',}); Copy
// Send PIX Key Message (Brazil Pix Key)'[number]', { keyType: 'CNPJ', name: 'WPPCONNECT-TEAM', key: '33460516000178', instructions: 'Pay text for instructions here',});
Send a invoice message To send (prices, tax, shipping or discount), for example: USD 12.90, send them without dots or commas, like: 12900