400121 >= 2.2222.8

Hierarchy (view full)



attributes: Props & Session
businessCatalog?: any
businessProfile?: any
canRequestPhoneNumber: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getCanRequestPhoneNumber

collection?: ContactCollection
commonGroups?: any
disappearingModeDuration?: any
disappearingModeSettingTimestamp?: any
displayName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getDisplayName

displayNameOrPnForLid?: any

Deprecated in favor of getDisplayNameOrPnForLid

formattedName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getFormattedName

formattedPhone?: any

Deprecated in favor of getFormattedPhone

formattedShortName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getFormattedShortName

formattedShortNameWithNonBreakingSpaces?: any

Deprecated in favor of getFormattedShortNameWithNonBreakingSpaces

formattedUser?: any

Deprecated in favor of getFormattedUser

header?: any

Deprecated in favor of getHeader

idClass: typeof WAJS.whatsapp.Wid
isBroadcast: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsBroadcast

isBusiness: boolean
isContactBlocked: boolean
isDisplayNameApproved?: any

Deprecated in favor of getIsDisplayNameApproved

isEnterprise: boolean
isGroup: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsGroup

isIAS: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsIAS

isMe: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsMe

isMyContact: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsMyContact

isNewsletter: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsBroadcast

isPSA: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsPSA

isSupportAccount: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsSupportAccount

isUser: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsUser

isWAContact: boolean

Deprecated in favor of getIsWAContact

labels?: string[]
liveLocations?: any
locale?: any
mentionName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getMentionName

mirrorMask: {
    change:businessCatalog: number;
    change:businessProfile: number;
    change:canRequestPhoneNumber: number;
    change:commonGroups: number;
    change:disappearingModeDuration: number;
    change:disappearingModeSettingTimestamp: number;
    change:displayName: number;
    change:displayNameOrPnForLid: number;
    change:formattedName: number;
    change:formattedPhone: number;
    change:formattedShortName: number;
    change:formattedShortNameWithNonBreakingSpaces: number;
    change:formattedUser: number;
    change:header: number;
    change:id: number;
    change:isBroadcast: number;
    change:isBusiness: number;
    change:isContactBlocked: number;
    change:isDisplayNameApproved: number;
    change:isEnterprise: number;
    change:isGroup: number;
    change:isIAS: number;
    change:isMe: number;
    change:isMyContact: number;
    change:isNewsletter: number;
    change:isPSA: number;
    change:isSupportAccount: number;
    change:isUser: number;
    change:isWAContact: number;
    change:labels: number;
    change:liveLocations: number;
    change:locale: number;
    change:mentionName: number;
    change:name: number;
    change:notifyName: number;
    change:pendingAction: number;
    change:pnForLid: number;
    change:premiumMessageName: number;
    change:privacyMode: number;
    change:profilePicThumb: number;
    change:promises: number;
    change:pushname: number;
    change:searchName: number;
    change:searchVerifiedName: number;
    change:sectionHeader: number;
    change:shortName: number;
    change:shouldForceBusinessUpdate: number;
    change:showBusinessCheckmarkAsPrimary: number;
    change:showBusinessCheckmarkAsSecondary: number;
    change:showBusinessCheckmarkInChatlist: number;
    change:stale: number;
    change:status: number;
    change:statusMute: number;
    change:type: number;
    change:userhash: number;
    change:userid: number;
    change:verificationBinary: number;
    change:verificationString: number;
    change:verifiedLevel: number;
    change:verifiedName: number;
name?: any
notifyName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getNotifyName

parent?: any
pendingAction?: any
pnForLid?: any

Deprecated in favor of getPnForLid

premiumMessageName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getPremiumMessageName

privacyMode?: any
profilePicThumb?: any
promises?: any
proxyName: string
pushname?: any
searchName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getSearchName

searchVerifiedName?: any

Deprecated in favor of getSearchVerifiedName

sectionHeader?: any
shortName?: any
shouldForceBusinessUpdate?: any

Deprecated in favor of getShouldForceBusinessUpdate

showBusinessCheckmarkAsPrimary?: any

Deprecated in favor of getShowBusinessCheckmarkAsPrimary

showBusinessCheckmarkAsSecondary?: any

Deprecated in favor of getShowBusinessCheckmarkAsSecondary

showBusinessCheckmarkInChatlist?: any

Deprecated in favor of getShowBusinessCheckmarkInChatlist

stale?: any
status?: any
statusMute?: any
type?: any
userhash?: any

Deprecated in favor of getUserhash

userid?: any

Deprecated in favor of getUserid

verificationBinary?: any
verificationString?: any
verifiedLevel?: any
verifiedName?: any
allowedIds?: any[]
idClass?: any
Proxy: string


  • Parameters

    • id: Stringable
    • context: {
          [key: string]: any;
      • [key: string]: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any

    Returns any

  • Alias of on


    • eventName: Event
    • listener: Listener
    • Optionalcontext: any

    Returns this


  • Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Returns any

  • Returns void

  • Alias of trigger


    • eventName: Event
    • Rest...args: any[]

    Returns this


  • Type Parameters


    • attr: T

    Returns any

  • Returns any

  • Returns any

  • Returns any

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: boolean

    Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • eventName: Event

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • context: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • context: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • context: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    Returns this

  • Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the event named eventName.


    • OptionaleventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named eventName.


    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • listener: Listener

      The callback function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Adds a one-time listener function for the event named eventName.


    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • listener: Listener

      The callback function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Removes all listeners.

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Alias of off


    • OptionaleventName: Event
    • Optionallistener: Listener
    • Optionalcontext: any

    Returns this


  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any

    Returns any

  • Returns Props

  • Parameters

    • Rest...args: any

    Returns any

  • Returns any

  • Parameters

    • Optionalcontext: any
    • OptionaleventName: Event
    • Optionallistener: Listener

    Returns this

  • Returns Props

  • Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named eventName, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments to each.


    • eventName: Event
    • Rest...args: any[]

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Alias of off


    • OptionaleventName: Event
    • Optionallistener: Listener
    • Optionalcontext: any

    Returns this


  • Parameters

    • ids: Stringable | Stringable[]
    • Optionalt: any

    Returns void

  • Returns any

  • Parameters

    • e: any

    Returns boolean