interface GroupMetadata {
    allowNonAdminSubGroupCreation: boolean;
    announce: boolean;
    creation: number;
    defaultSubgroup: boolean;
    desc: string;
    descId: string;
    descOwner: Wid;
    descTime: number;
    displayCadminPromotion: boolean;
    ephemeralDuration: number;
    generalChatAutoAddDisabled: boolean;
    generalSubgroup: boolean;
    hasCapi: boolean;
    id: Wid;
    incognito: boolean;
    isLidAddressingMode: boolean;
    isParentGroup: boolean;
    isParentGroupClosed: boolean;
    lastActivityTimestamp: number;
    lastSeenActivityTimestamp: number;
    memberAddMode: string;
    membershipApprovalMode: boolean;
    membershipApprovalRequests: any[];
    noFrequentlyForwarded: boolean;
    owner: Wid;
    participants: any[];
    pastParticipants: any[];
    pendingParticipants: any[];
    reportToAdminMode: boolean;
    restrict: boolean;
    size: number;
    subgroupSuggestions: any[];
    subject: string;
    subjectTime: number;
    support: boolean;
    suspended: boolean;
    terminated: boolean;
    uniqueShortNameMap: Object;


allowNonAdminSubGroupCreation: boolean
announce: boolean
creation: number

timestamp of when the group was created

defaultSubgroup: boolean
desc: string

description of the group

descId: string
descOwner: Wid
descTime: number
displayCadminPromotion: boolean
ephemeralDuration: number
generalChatAutoAddDisabled: boolean
generalSubgroup: boolean
hasCapi: boolean
id: Wid

unique identifier for the group

incognito: boolean
isLidAddressingMode: boolean
isParentGroup: boolean
isParentGroupClosed: boolean
lastActivityTimestamp: number
lastSeenActivityTimestamp: number
memberAddMode: string
membershipApprovalMode: boolean
membershipApprovalRequests: any[]
noFrequentlyForwarded: boolean
owner: Wid
participants: any[]
pastParticipants: any[]

former members who left the group or were kicked out

pendingParticipants: any[]

members who applied for membership but still need admin approval

reportToAdminMode: boolean
restrict: boolean
size: number

current amount of members including admins

subgroupSuggestions: any[]
subject: string

title/name of the group

subjectTime: number
support: boolean
suspended: boolean
terminated: boolean
uniqueShortNameMap: Object