81572 >= 2.2218.4

781572 >= 2.2222.8

Hierarchy (view full)




_openChat _scrollChatToBottom _scrollToFocusedMsg alertCall alertNewMsg archiveChat attachMediaDrawer attachProduct autoplayPTT bind cancelCall cannotReachPhone chatInfoDrawer chatSearch clearChat closeChat closeContextMenu closeDrawerLeft closeDrawerMid closeDrawerRight closeModal closeModalMedia closeStatusViewer closeToast closeTooltip criticalSyncDone deleteOrExitChat downgradeWebclient emit enterChatTextInput ephemeralDrawer existsDrawerLeft existsDrawerMid existsDrawerRight expiredLocationDrawer flashFocusedMsg floaterEscapeOverlap focusChatList focusChatSearch focusChatTextInput focusNextChat focusPrevChat focusShowMsg getConversationHeaderOffset handleFatalError handleOfflineProgressUpdate incrementProgress initialLoadReady isListening listenTo listenToAndRun listenToOnce liveLocationDrawer logSocketSummary login logout mainLoaded markChatUnread mediaPlaying mediaViewerModal merchantDetailsDrawer midnight msgInfoDrawer muteAll muteAllCall muteChat muteChats newMediaMsg off on onFullChatHistorySynced onHistorySyncChunkProcessed onInitialChatHistorySynced onPanesDidChange onPanesWillChange onRecentChatHistorySynced onStartingLogout onTemporaryBan once openChatAt openChatBottom openChatFromUnread openComposeBoxPanel openContextMenu openDrawerLeft openDrawerMid openDrawerRight openGroupInviteModal openGroupV4InviteRequestFlow openMediaViewerForAlbumMedia openModal openModalMedia openSocketStream openToast openTooltip pasteChatTextInput pinChat pinChats productImageViewerModal pttPlaying pttRecording readyForMainStreamMode refreshMessages refreshQR removeAllListeners removeListener restartBackend scrollMessages scrollToPtt sendDeleteMsgs sendPasteToCompose sendRevokeMsgs sendStarMsgs sendUnstarMsgs sentPing serverPropsUpdated setChatCtwaContextLinkData setDrawerContext setSocketState setUiBusy showCountrySelector showMerchantDetailsEntityTypePopup socketStreamDisconnected startGroupCall stopListening storageInitializationError textsizeChange toggleStickerMaker trigger uiResize unbind updateChatlistSelection upgradeToMDInternal upgradeToMDProd verificationDrawer windowClick windowError windowMouseDown



isMainLoaded: boolean
uiBusy: number


  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any
    • Optionaln: any
    • Optionali: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • context: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • context: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • context: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    Returns this

  • Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the event named eventName.


    • OptionaleventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • Optionallistener: Listener

      The callback function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named eventName.


    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • listener: Listener

      The callback function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Adds a one-time listener function for the event named eventName.


    • eventName: Event

      The name of the event.

    • listener: Listener

      The callback function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The value of this provided for the call to listener

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any
    • Optionaln: any
    • Optionali: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any
    • Optionaln: any
    • Optionali: any
    • Optionala: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any
    • Optionaln: any
    • Optionali: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any
    • Optionaln: any

    Returns void

  • Whatsapp <= 2.3000.1014080102


    • chat: ChatModel
    • msg: MsgModel[] | {
          list: MsgModel[];
          type: string;
    • Optionaloptions: {
          clearMedia?: boolean;
          toastPosition?: any;
      • OptionalclearMedia?: boolean
      • OptionaltoastPosition?: any

    Returns void

  • Whatsapp >= 2.3000.1014080102


    • chat: ChatModel
    • msg: MsgModel[] | {
          list: MsgModel[];
          type: string;
    • OptionalclearMedia: boolean

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • chat: ChatModel
    • msg: MsgModel[] | {
          list: MsgModel[];
          type: string;
    • Optionaloptions: {
          clearMedia?: boolean;
          toastPosition?: any;
      • OptionalclearMedia?: boolean
      • OptionaltoastPosition?: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optionale: any
    • Optionalt: any
    • Optionalr: any

    Returns void

  • Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named eventName, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments to each.


    • eventName: Event
    • Rest...args: any[]

    Returns this

    Returns a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.