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Configuring the logger

Wppconnect Bot use winston package for log management.

wppconnect.defaultLogger is a instance of winston.createLogger.

Default Log level

The default log level is info

// Supports ES6
// import * as wppconnect from '@wppconnect-team/wppconnect';
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');

// Levels: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'http', 'verbose', 'debug', 'silly'
// All logs: 'silly'
wppconnect.defaultLogger.level = 'silly';

// If you want stop console logging
wppconnect.defaultLogger.transports.forEach((t) => (t.silent = true));

Using a custon logger

// Supports ES6
// import * as wppconnect from '@wppconnect-team/wppconnect';
// import * as winston from 'winston';
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');
const winston = require('winston');

const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json(),
defaultMeta: { service: 'user-service' },
transports: [
// - Write all logs with level `error` and below to `error.log`
// - Write all logs with level `info` and below to `combined.log`
new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'error.log', level: 'error' }),
new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'combined.log' }),

session: 'sessionName',
logger: logger,
.then((client) => {
.catch((erro) => {

Log to file

By default, wppconnect use the Console transport for logging.

If you want to save the log to a file, you can configure using the winston transport

// Supports ES6
// import * as wppconnect from '@wppconnect-team/wppconnect';
// import * as winston from 'winston';
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');
const winston = require('winston');

// Optional: Remove all default transports
wppconnect.defaultLogger.clear(); // Remove all transports

// Create a file transport
const files = new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'combined.log' });
wppconnect.defaultLogger.add(files); // Add file transport

// Optinal: create a custom console with error level
const console = new winston.transports.Console({ level: 'erro' });
wppconnect.defaultLogger.add(console); // Add console transport

// Optinal: Remove the custom transport
wppconnect.defaultLogger.remove(console); // Remove console transport