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Creating a Client

To start using Wppconnect Bot, you need to create a file and call the {@link create} method.\ That method returns an Promise of {@link Whatsapp}.

// Supports ES6
// import { create, Whatsapp } from '@wppconnect-team/wppconnect';
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');

.then((client) => start(client))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));

Login with code

For login by code, insert the phone number in create method That method returns an Promise of {@link Whatsapp}.

// Supports ES6
// import { create, Whatsapp } from '@wppconnect-team/wppconnect';
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');

phoneNumber: '5521985232927',
catchLinkCode: (str) => console.log('Code: ' + str),
.then((client) => start(client))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));

Multi sessions

If you want to start more than one session, for example, in case you have different departments in your project, then you had to specify it in your code like in that example:

// Init sales whatsapp bot
wppconnect.create({session: 'sales'}).then((client) => startClient(client));

// Init support whatsapp bot
wppconnect.create({session: 'support'}).then((client) => startSupport(client));

Passing options on create

The {@link create} method third parameter can have the following optional parameters (see all parameters in {@link CreateOptions}):

session: 'sessionName', //Pass the name of the client you want to start the bot
catchQR: (base64Qrimg, asciiQR, attempts, urlCode) => {
console.log('Number of attempts to read the qrcode: ', attempts);
console.log('Terminal qrcode: ', asciiQR);
console.log('base64 image string qrcode: ', base64Qrimg);
console.log('urlCode (data-ref): ', urlCode);
statusFind: (statusSession, session) => {
console.log('Status Session: ', statusSession); //return isLogged || notLogged || browserClose || qrReadSuccess || qrReadFail || autocloseCalled || desconnectedMobile || deleteToken
//Create session wss return "serverClose" case server for close
console.log('Session name: ', session);
headless: true, // Headless chrome
devtools: false, // Open devtools by default
useChrome: true, // If false will use Chromium instance
debug: false, // Opens a debug session
logQR: true, // Logs QR automatically in terminal
browserWS: '', // If u want to use browserWSEndpoint
browserArgs: [''], // Parameters to be added into the chrome browser instance
puppeteerOptions: {}, // Will be passed to puppeteer.launch
disableWelcome: false, // Option to disable the welcoming message which appears in the beginning
updatesLog: true, // Logs info updates automatically in terminal
autoClose: 60000, // Automatically closes the wppconnect only when scanning the QR code (default 60 seconds, if you want to turn it off, assign 0 or false)
tokenStore: 'file', // Define how work with tokens, that can be a custom interface
folderNameToken: './tokens', //folder name when saving tokens
// BrowserSessionToken
// To receive the client's token use the function await clinet.getSessionTokenBrowser()
sessionToken: {
WABrowserId: '"UnXjH....."',
WASecretBundle: '{"key":"+i/nRgWJ....","encKey":"kGdMR5t....","macKey":"+i/nRgW...."}',
WAToken1: '"0i8...."',
WAToken2: '"1@lPpzwC...."',
.then((client) => start(client))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));

Callback Status Session

More details in {@link StatusFind}

isLoggedWhen the user is already logged in to the browser
notLoggedWhen the user is not connected to the browser, it is necessary to scan the QR code through the cell phone in the option WhatsApp Web
browserCloseIf the browser is closed this parameter is returned
qrReadSuccessIf the user is not logged in, the QR code is passed on the terminal a callback is returned. After the correct reading by cell phone this parameter is returned
qrReadFailIf the browser stops when the QR code scan is in progress, this parameter is returned
autocloseCalledThe browser was closed using the autoClose command
desconnectedMobileClient has disconnected in to mobile
serverCloseClient has disconnected in to wss
deleteTokenIf you pass true within the function client.getSessionTokenBrowser(true)
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');
session: 'sessionName',
statusFind: (statusSession, session) => {
// return: isLogged || notLogged || browserClose || qrReadSuccess || qrReadFail || autocloseCalled || desconnectedMobile || deleteToken
console.log('Status Session: ', statusSession);
// create session wss return "serverClose" case server for close
console.log('Session name: ', session);
.then((client) => start(client))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));

Phone connection verification

To enforce the phone connection verification, you can use the code below or check the documentation {@link Whatsapp.startPhoneWatchdog}.:

// To start with default interval.

// To start with custom interval.
client.startPhoneWatchdog(30000); // 30s

// To stop.

Exporting QR Code

By default, QR code will appear on the terminal. If you need to pass the QR somewhere else heres how (See {@link CatchQRCallback}):

const fs = require('fs');
const wppconnect = require('@wppconnect-team/wppconnect');

session: 'sessionName',
catchQR: (base64Qr, asciiQR) => {
console.log(asciiQR); // Optional to log the QR in the terminal
var matches = base64Qr.match(/^data:([A-Za-z-+\/]+);base64,(.+)$/),
response = {};

if (matches.length !== 3) {
return new Error('Invalid input string');
response.type = matches[1]; = new Buffer.from(matches[2], 'base64');

var imageBuffer = response;
function (err) {
if (err != null) {
logQR: false,
.then((client) => start(client))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));

Saving Session Token

Read the {@link TokenStore}